9-Course Spiel: Tim Roberds, Salt Maker at Jacobsen Salt Co.
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Jacobsen Salt Co.
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Feb 22, 2022
1. How did you get into making salt?
I randomly stumbled upon a job ad on Facebook. I was like, “wait, what?!” and immediately applied. Been here ever since.
2. What is your favorite part of the salt making process?
I would have to say my favorite part is harvesting the salt. It’s at that moment you get to see the fruits of your labor.
3. Have you noticed that different times of year or other environmental factors have an effect on salt making?
I have. Summer brings molting from the crabs which affects our flake. During winter, the rain and snow brings more fresh water to the bay, influencing our salinity. The one thing that makes Netarts Bay pristine for salt making is its minimal fresh water influence.
4. How much seawater does it take to make one bag of Flake Salt?
We average 400 pounds of salt per 314 gallons of brine. It takes 2 gallons of seawater to produce a 4oz bag of our salt.
5. How has being a salt maker changed the way you look at Netarts Bay or the Oregon Coast?
I was born and raised in Tillamook, OR. Since I got this job, I have grown to appreciate the bay more. I tell myself everyday how rad it is to be making salt in my hometown. It’s truly awesome.
6. How has making salt changed the way you cook and think about food?
I’m always thinking, “Which one of our products would be good on this?”
7. What is your favorite product we make and what do you put it on the most?
I have to go with the Black Garlic Salt and our Steak Seasoning. They go on everything!
8. Biggest salt flake you’ve ever seen?
The biggest flake I’ve harvested was about the size of a quarter.
9. When you aren’t making salt, we can find you…
Relaxing with my wife, step-daughter and two dogs. Sprinkled in with a couple competitive games of Madden 22 Football on the PS5. :)